A young person who enters the Braidwood Lions Festival of Young Writers will retain copyright over their work.
They will sign a form to submit with their entry. On that form the young writer (or parent/guardian if aged under 18) will
1. warrant that the work is their original work;
2. give permission for the work to be published as follows:
A) on the dedicated website named; and
B) in the book named XXXX if the work is selected by the judges; and
C) any other performance or reproduction for the Braidwood community;
3. agree to have their full name printed under their work in the book;
4. choose to have their full name or initials only or “anonymous” or other preferred pseudonym published with the work on the website;
5. acknowledge that the book will be offered for sale to the general public.
All entered works will appear on the website.
All entered works can be used for educational purposes and for lending and borrowing from libraries without permission.
If anyone wishes to use any work for another purpose than those listed in 2.(above) or wishes to change the work in any way a request in writing must be made to the young writer. Permission will be at the young Permission will be at the young writer’s discretion (or parent/guardian if aged under 18).