
The Braidwood Lions Club was established 52 years ago and is one of the oldest in NSW. Currently, we have 20 active members.

Internationally, Lions are one of the largest community groups in the world.

Our focus locally is to run various events and activities to help causes in our community.

Events include sausage sizzles at the monthly markets  in Braidwood and on other occasions, an Antique Fair, wood raffles , assisting at the Braidwood Show and Braidwood Race meeting, support for the annual Blackdog bike ride through Braidwood and other events such as motor car rallys, support for Daffodil day…., Australia Day celebrations, …..

For eight years we successfully ran a Billycart Derby which was well supported by local and district families.

The Club regularly raises in excess of $20,000 annually from these various activities. While a small proportion of these funds are directed to broader Lions initiatives (eg cancer research etc) the vast bulk of funds are returned to help needy causes in our  local community.