I get paid to daydream, to sit at my computer and write down stories. I can’t wait to read your stories, too.
— Jackie French, Patron

2020 award ceremony

The COVID -19 restrictions meant that this year Lions were not able to hold their large Award Ceremony for the Young Writers Festival.

Following receipt of financial support from COORDINARE - South Easter NSW PHN through the Australian Government's PHN Program, Braidwood Lions engaged local filmmaker Clare Young to produce a short Video to capture the essence of the Festival and the Awards Program.

Watch this beautiful and very poignant video below.


Braidwood Lions Club members were delighted with the culmination of their Young Writers Festival when the award ceremony was held on Thursday 19 November at the BRAG premises in Braidwood.

This Festival gives school students with a 2622 postal address the opportunity to develop and discover their writing talents.

Over 300 entries were submitted – an outstanding outcome given the disrupted year being experienced by children and the community!

Braidwood’s own Jackie French was the enthusiastic Festival Patron eagerly supported by the category judges - Roger McDonald, Julian Davies, Julian Laffan, Tim Cope, Cate Whittle and Robyn Goodwin. Each of these judges took on the challenging task of identifying the entries showing the most promise.

The award ceremony was attended by the winning students (each of them a budding author !), some parents and teaching staff.

Besides our Patron and judges special guests at the ceremony included Ms Maxine Helmling, Lions District Governor, board and staff members from the Braidwood Community Bank, representatives from BRAG and many Lions Club members and their partners.

After a small number of speakers set the scene 30 awards were handed out by Jackie French and the judges to students whose works were considered to show the most promise.

Another highlight of the program was the launching of the Young Writers Book containing award winning entries and background on the Festival. This very professionally produced book celebrating the writing skills of Braidwood students can be purchased at a number of places around town ($15).

Lions warmly acknowledged and thanked the Braidwood Community Bank, QPRC and the NSW Government for their financial support. Any profit from the Festival will be returned to needy causes in the Braidwood community.

This year also saw the inaugural Braidwood Lions Young Artists Festival  which Lions ran in conjunction  with BRAG. Over 100 amazing entries were received from local school students. Each piece of art work was required to interpret a Poem written by Jackie French following the summer fires.

The BRAG Judge Ms Lesley Sykes identified winning entries in each of the six class categories.  All 100 entries  were exhibited at the BRAG premises until the end of November.

Congratulations from the Braidwood community must go to the Lions Club for this initiative and for working so well with all parties to bring it to such a wonderful conclusion.

The next Young Writers Festival will be held in 2022…..so budding authors start your planning.

more information

Braidwood Lions Secretary - 0408 465 008 

winning entries -
young writers 2020


winning entries -
young artist 2020


archive 2018


Find out more about the Braidwood Young Writers Festival


Meet the judges who will be assessing the entries.