“I get paid to daydream, to sit at my computer and write down stories. I can’t wait to read your stories, too.”
The Festival of Young Writers 2024
Braidwood Lions Club members were delighted with the culmination of their Young Writers
Festival when the award ceremony was held on Thursday 29 November 2024 at the National
Theatre in Braidwood.
This Festival gives school students with a 2622 postal address the opportunity to develop and
discover their writing talents. Over 380 entries were submitted – an outstanding outcome !
Braidwood’s own Jackie French was the enthusiastic Festival Patron, and eagerly supported by the
category judges - Roger McDonald, Julian Davies, Harry Liang, Cate Whittle and Robyn
Goodwin. Each of these judges took on the challenging task of identifying the entries
showing the most promise.
The award ceremony was attended by the winning students (each of them a budding author !),
teaching staff from both schools and parents and friends.
After a small number of speakers set the scene over 30 awards were handed out by the judges
to students whose works were considered to show the most promise.
Another highlight of the program was the launching of the Young Writers Book containing
award winning entries and background on the Festival. This very professionally produced
book celebrating the writing skills of Braidwood students can be purchased at a number of
places around town ($15).
Lions warmly acknowledged and thanked the Braidwood Community Bank, QPRC and the
nearly 100 local business houses and individuals for their financial support. Any profit from
the Festival will be returned to needy causes in the Braidwood community.
Watch this beautiful and very poignant video produced as part of the 2020 Young Writers Festival.
more information
Braidwood Lions Secretary - 0408 465 008